Video: 5 foods people with diabetes CAN eat!

5 foods people with diabetes CAN eat!

It's all about modification.

In her second Facebook Live nutrition session, Pendulum Dietitian Kristin Neusel, offers her best advice for foods you thought you couldn’t eat!

Here are  some highlights from her video:


Carbohydrates are often portrayed as the “bad guys”; however, it’s all about picking the right carbohydrates while focusing on higher fiber and lower added sugars.

Here are the top 5 foods people with diabetes think they can’t have- but in actuality, can!

  • Fruits are carbohydrates that are packed with essential vitamins, nutrients, and phytonutrients. The glycemic index varies from one fruit to another, with apples being under 40 (low) and ripe bananas or raisins are over 70 (high). Whole fruits are the way to go: Unlike juices that go directly into the bloodstream and make sugar levels rise, they slow the absorption of glucose levels. Another example of such variance is bananas. An unripe banana’s nutrient composition is different from a ripe banana, as it has more fiber and less sugar. Include them in your diet, by mashing them up or air-frying them.

  • Pasta is a great way to pack in the fiber. It is important to pick the right type of pasta and watch your portion size (stick to about 1 cup cooked pasta). A whole wheat or lentil pasta is a great way to go. With up to 8 grams of fiber in 2 ounces, chickpea pasta packs in a lot of fiber as a side dish.

  • Potatoes- when served cold, they are a great source of resistant starch and consist of a different nutrient composition than cooked potatoes. Cooked potatoes generally have a higher glycemic index and should be eaten in moderation.

  • Eggs are often something many people try to avoid due to cholesterol. However it’s not all bad! ats are what should be looked at closely. Our bodies make enough cholesterol each day even if we don’t consume it through foods. Eggs are a substantial source of vitamin D and protein, when eaten in moderation. Some ways to include eggs in your diet is by balancing real egg to egg-white ratio. For instance, a 5-egg omelet can be made using 1-2 real eggs and adding egg whites for the remaining eggs. This helps cut back on fat, cholesterol, and calories. Remember, moderation is key!

  • Chocolate- yes, chocolate. A dark-chocolate treat every now and then can actually help maintain blood glucose levels, as shown in many studies. The key is to look for at least 70% dark chocolate when shopping and being mindful not to choose processed milk chocolate. Again, this is something we can enjoy in moderation, about 1-2oz daily, though there aren’t any standard guidelines. So go ahead and have yourself a delicious treat!

To get more information, be sure to watch Kristin’s full video above.


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